Hunt for Morel Mushrooms at Home ..... for more on western morels visit;

Saturday, November 18, 2006


You should be able to left click on all of the photographs in this blog to enlarge them.

The wild flowers are Fireweed.

Another danger in a burn site is known as staubs or sharp pointed sticks that can puncture various portions of the anatomy.

Fire fighters often cut the small trees out of the way on a sharp angle in their hurry ... also when fire burns the young trees they often leave a sharp fire-hardened stub.

If you get tired or careless while picking morels in a burn site ... and slip or fall on one of these...

...the picnic is over.

The green leaves in this photo are Heart Leaf Arnica plants that have not yet developed their flower stalks.

Notice all of the short limbs on the lodge pole pine trees that have fallen since the forest fire, any one of them could mess up your day.

I have a friend who was crossing a log while carrying a full five gallon bucket of morels in a Northern Washington burn-site....he slipped and fell against a staub...

...being a tough individual he got back up and continued climbing the mountain....

...feeling tired he stopped to sit down and roll a cigarette... he puffed on it smoke began coming out a hole in his chest.

The medivac flight and surgery cost him a pretty the advice is to go when you need to....don't push yourself so hard that you might slip and fall easier than otherwise.

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